Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010....

Well, it is officially the last day of 2010, although we are only one hour and seven minutes into the day. It was kind of interesting to usher in the last day. I mean everyone usher's in the first day of the new year in some way or another, but saying goodbye to the last day of what has been an ever increasing bummer of a year gives me a different perspective on things. I can wash away the old, dust up the remnants of this past year and throw them out. I have approximately 23 hours left to complete the task of getting rid of the old and preparing for the new.

So, today will be a good day of putting things in order - body, mind, house and spirit and preparing for a wonderful start to 2011. I have already started a 2011 knitting project, The Winter Garden Scarf and I have already completed the 2010 knitting by finishing all the holiday projects on time. Check in the box for that  - yeah!

Winter Decor for the Fireplace
Today I will cook, clean, do laundry and prepare to decorate the living room for the Winter with warm colored garlands and sparkly bits and start the process of putting away the Christmas decor. Don't get me wrong, I love the Christmas stuff, but this year putting it away before the new year starts - no catching-up or leaving anything from 2010 undone feels right.

Sunday will be a special day for Dave and I as we will celebrate our 29th wedding anniversary (In answer to all the questions I will get, yes we were young when we married and for no other reason than we loved one another and as I like to tell people he was four and I was two.) We would both say that we married our best friend and even though it may sound cliche', it is the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I think my marriage is a rare and exceptionally special thing (at least to me and that's what counts.) Through all the good, bad and in between, Dave has been there. He has loved me, supported me and spent his precious life with me - what more could a girl ask. So, I know you will all understand when I say that I will not be blogging on Sunday, 1/2/11. That day is about Dave and myself and our life together - no one else gets my time on that day. 

Peace and joy to you all as your leave behind 2010 and welcome 2011....
The Green Girl.

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