Sunday, July 3, 2011


Hello one and all - it is the Independence Day weekend here in the good old USA. Picnics, BBQ's, and all manner of celebration is underway. Although I am not always proud of the actions of my country, I love my country and I love the freedom it affords to be the person that I am. I take my citizenship with great responsibility - just because I can does not mean I should.

On this weekend out of all the rest, it is time to think and ponder what it means to be a US citizen. This very thought brings up great debate within our land. I did nothing to hold the freedoms of US citizenry,yet I am fully free due to the passions of others and I am thankful. There are people that have come to these shores looking for the idea and the dream of what we tell the world it means to be a US citizen. To all those brothers and sisters of the stars and stripes, I salute you. Your struggles and your devotion to gain your independence in the United States, is an example that epitomizes the very basis of what it means to be a US citizen.

To all the people that will become a citizen of the United States this very weekend, I welcome you into our family.

Happy Independence Day to all the peoples of the United States - may we all give thanks for our chance to live in a free land. And may we all think and act responsibly as citizens of that free land.

Peace and joy to you all.....
The Green Girl (who is just a little proud now to be Red, White and Blue on this weekend)

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